Hey hey,
Anyone have that delicious sausage lentil stew recipe?
October 8, 2012:
I wanted to comment with a photo so I am using my supernatural powers to append my comment to Molly's original post, rather than including this comment as a "comment". I added Mom's recipe that we all got used to as you were growing up in a "comment", below.
Today, I wanted to make Sausage and Lentil Stew. Before I got the "official" recipe from Mom, I looked at Maggie's entry from Epicurious and cruised around the internet a bit to get some ideas for Sausage and Lentil Stew, paying particular attention to several that used kale.
Now that's a carrot! |
It is the end of the season here in southeastern Pennsylvania, but we have not had first frost and the garden has not given up yet, so a trip up the lane was in order. The take was a carrot weighing in at 508 g, some red and green pepperocini, a hot red pepper, a bunch of fresh parsley, and several stalks of garden celery (stalks small and tough needing a lot of cooking but beautiful leaves with great stew/soup flavor), not to mention a couple of leaves of kale.
I chose to work with Hatfield Sweet Italian sausage (sweet Italian used in several internet recipes) and to add some chicken broth (also common to several internet recipes). I cut the sausage into chunks about 1" long and cooked them in the microwave for 10 minutes at 50% power and set them aside.
I added the chicken broth (non-fat, reduced sodium - not to worry, I got the sodium back up later), 32 oz., to the pot and added 6 c. of water to bring the total to 10 c., then started cookin':
Parsnips (from the store; we have never tried to grow these), 3 small, 183 g
Carrot, 276 g after pealing, cleaning, and cutting
Onion, 3 small, 232 g.
Garlic, 6 smallish cloves, 16 g - coulda used more in my view
Lentils, 2 c. - I used green; multicolor would be pretty but I got pretty from the veg this time
Add the sausage in about here
Bay leaf, 2
Potatoes, 3 medium, 382 g
Black peppercorns, some
Celery, 46 g, from the garden, chopped up
Spicy carrot tops, 24 g - don't throw out those beautiful greens from the carrot!
Hot red pepper, 1 small, 3g, chopped fine
Red bell pepper, 55 g - we have had great bell peppers this year and they add great color!
Pepperocini, red and green, cut into rings, 42 g - colorful pepperocini rings are just fun!
Fresh thyme from the herb garden, some
Fresh lovage from the herb garden, some
Tomatoes, everything left form the last picking, 273 g
Salt and pepper to taste
I figured it would take 55 minutes form the time I added the lentils and added the other ingredients in the order given to kind of regulate the cooking time. When we were 10 minutes off done, I added two leaves of kale, chopped, and the handful of parsley shown in the photo, also chopped.
OK, I ain't lyin'; this was good. We ate it with a pan full of steamed broccoli with lemon juice, fresh from the garden. I guess this is just another example of walking out to the garden in October, taking some of what's there, and cooking it up into an end-of-season-pease-porridge with lentils, except this time we included some sausage as well.