Thursday, September 12, 2013

School lunches

Have you seen an elementary school lunch menu lately?  Disgusting!  Probably about what it was when we were kids, but ugh.  So, I usually pack Will a lunch, usually leftovers.  We're running low on those tonight, so I just packed him a lunch of pepper and carrot sticks, a sliced apple, and thick slices of homemade bread with natural peanut butter.  Made me think of Mom.  Man, I remember just wishing Mom would "get it" and pack us wonder bread with Skippy peanut butter and a tasty cake so we could be "normal."

(So far my lunches, which usually consist of leftovers,  haven't driven Will to buying the school lunch.  What does he care?  He doesn't eat it anyway.  As soon as the kids raise their hand to say they are done eating they're allowed to go outside for recess.  Given that the only other recess of the day is 15 minutes in the morning, you can imagine that Will doesn't sit still long enough to eat much.)

Just made me think of family and I wanted to say hi.

What's your favorite packed lunch these days?  I always get happy for black beans and rice - they taste great and feel good in my belly all afternoon.


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