Thursday, December 31, 2015

Corn Meal Mush - Variation

I was making corn meal mush this morning for breakfast.  I use the roasted yellow corn meal from Echo Hill and usually like it with maple syrup, a really good combination with a long history.  Typically, I make extra to pour into a loaf pan to solidify for fried mush (now called polenta, if you please) at a later meal.

As we were dishing up, Mom said, "I wonder how this would taste with a little Parmesan cheese sprinkled on it."

Me:  "I don't know, but I know how to find out."

In not too long, we were trying mush with parm as an aside to our conventional bowl of mush with maple syrup.  Gotta tell you, it was surprisingly good.

Mom:  "Well, that's something else to put pickled hot peppers on."  Had to try it, of course, so out came a jar of pickled Hungarian wax pepper rings to try.

If you had told me this morning that I would be eating corn meal mush with Parmesan cheese and pickled hot peppers today I would have figured you for nuts.  Turns out its really good, worth sharing here on the blog.  I'm not sure what meal context it might best fit - probably not breakfast - but it is definitely worth a taste and worth thinking about how to fit it into a menu.  Try it and let us know what you think.

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