Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer time, a new month, A CHALLENGE

Today I am posing a challenge...Post a recipe, or recipe idea, for one thing that you've eaten in the past week, or month if has been a boring week.  Also, try one recipe on the blog that you did not post, and report back.  Man, I guess somebody has been going to community college online...Still its summertime, gardens are producing, CSAs and farmers markets are starting up, and you can still get any fruit or veggie imaginable in out out-of-touch idea of supermarkets, so lets get crankin'.

Today is June 4th, but since this is PCT I'll let you slide until the 5th, which puts one week at the 12th.  Plus, I'm allowing you to dip back one week which means you have from the 28th of May to the 12th of June to cook and/or eat something awesome, fun, delicious, interesting, or unique and tell us about it.  Hurry up, last week already happened.

"Somebody say one, two, three go."

"One, two, three, go."

Bonus points for the first one to name the quote, Dad excluded...Although I'll give Dad one bonus point for giving me the two lines leading up to this sequence.  



  1. Rules? There are no rules in a knife fight!

  2. Damn, I had no idea. I cheated and googled it, and now I can hear it in my head - almost. I should watch that movie again, though at the rate I'm going (approximately 1 movie per year for the past 5 years. Seriously.) it might be awhile until I get around to it.

    What in the world did people do before google?

  3. Yeah I didn't know the movie, but I feel like I recognized it from Andy saying it before. I'm down for the challenge. I've had nothing to do but look up recipes due to my summer vacation [unemployment] anyway.

  4. Well, I got the movie and the scene right, but the line is (a) not exactly right, and (b) not actually the preceding two lines. (I Googled it too after seeing Maggie's comment.)
