Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back in action! Turkey burgers and chickpea salad

Hey all!

Well after a hiatus of cooking for one and just not being terribly excited about cooking, I'm back and ready to go!  It seems as though my style of cooking will turn more Asian, simple, and/or summery.  Amazing how your style changes depending on where you live.

Anywho, last night I experimented and made a healthy, summery (unless you live in which case it's just normal) dinner.  Here's what we had...

Spinach Chevre Turkey Burgers
I don't know what possessed me to make turkey burgers.  I think it's cause I'd never had one and wanted to try it and I imagine it's healthier than beef.  Didn't really follow a recipe, here's what I did.

  1. Saute some onions, garlic, and greens.  Ideally I would have used spinach, but we have a huge bag of "power greens" from Costco that we need to use up.  It has spinach, kale, and chard.  You saute anything with garlic and onions and it's good though, so use whatever greens you'd like.
  2. In a bowl, throw your ground turkey, greens, an egg, some chevre (could use feta, but again, we have a huge hunk of chevre from Costco), breadcrumbs and whatever seasonings call to you.  I put some lemon juice and sriracha (because we rarely have meals without it) in mine.  Oh, and of course salt and pepper.
  3. Put them in the fridge and go for a run.
  4. Cook 'em up however you'd like.  We both put extra chevre on our burgers and I had extra greens on mine.  Then of course, extra sriracha.
They were actually quite good.  I mean, I tend to believe that if it's not made of beef, don't call it a burger.  Right?  It's a veggie's not a burger.  But these turkey burgers...I might allow them to use the term burger.  They were tasty.

Chickpea Corn Salad (?)
So this was another new recipe for me that I didn't really measure for.  Just threw some stuff in a bowl and got lucky.  Here's what you need...
  • chickpeas (I used one can for two of us and we have leftovers)
  • corn (used one can)
  • cucumber (about half of one)
  • red onion (some?)
  • tomato (the recipe called for cherry tomatoes but I couldn't stomach the price at the store so I just used a regular old tomato)
  • green pepper (used about half of one)
  • oil
  • lime juice
  • cilantro
  • garlic
Chop the cucumber, tomato, red onion, and green pepper to similiar size pieces.  Throw them in a bowl with the chickpeas and corn.  Mix together your dressing of olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, and garlic.  Throw the dressing on the salad.  Done!  Right before we ate I made the game time decision to chop up some mozzarella and put it in there because...again..we bought some from Costco and so we have a ton to use up.  Plus it was delicious.

Anyway, that's a really simple salad, perfect for a weeknight.  I made everything ahead of time and then we went for a run.  Ahhh, the advantages of not working..

Go forth and cook!

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