Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Stir Fry Marinade

The grocery stores in Hawaii make and serve some pretty great food.  It's a great place to grab some lunch, especially if you like Asian food.  The other day, we picked up some pork hekka from the local store to have for lunch.  

Never heard of pork hekka?  Neither had I.  It was basically a stir fry with rice noodles.  The flavor was amazing though!  I knew what I was eating probably wasn't healthy, but darn it was delicious.  I decided to look up some recipes and try to re-create pork hekka at home.

We tried last night.  What we ended up with was basically nothing like what we had bought, but was probably slightly more healthy.  Essentially we just had stir fry with lots of veggies on rice noodles.  Pssst.  I love rice noodles!

What really stood out from the dish was the marinade for the pork.  I made it early in the day and the pork was sitting in it for hours.  Oh man it was good!  Next time you make stir fry or need a marinade, give this a shot.

1/2 c soy sauce
1/4 c brown sugar (sugar is bad, I know, but it's so good in Asian sauces)
2 T olive oil
1 T grated ginger (use more than 1 T, that's what the recipe calls for, but go nuts)
2 garlic cloves, minced (again, who are we kidding..2?  Amateur hour)
1/2 c red wine
pepper (no salt, the soy sauce takes care of that I believe)

Throw all that together and marinade whatever you want in it.  A yoga mat marinaded in this stuff would probably taste pretty good.

We cooked up the pork and threw in bok choy, celery, carrots, mushrooms, scallions, bean sprouts, a green pepper (random, but we needed to get rid of it)..etc.  It was good stuff.


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