Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'Nother Experiment

Jo sez, "Everything tastes better with a poached egg on it."  But chili?  Chili con carne?  Especially Dad's new chili which is really peppers and onions, not just beans?

Well, I was trying to figure out what to have for breakfast this morning and the left over chili was in the 'fridge, so naturally, I had to try...

I ain't lying, this was AWESOME.  Jo is proved right once again:  poached eggs go on everything.  Still a little squeemish?  Think of it as poached egg dropped on corn beef hash...only the beef isn't corned...and the potatoes are green chili peppers and red beans...  Other than that, it's just the same,  sort of.  Really good tho'; unlikely sounding but definitely worth a try.


  1. I'm not a fan of poached eggs, but my favorite dinners are the ones that turn into amazing breakfasts with the addition of an egg. In our house last night's fajitas or potato masala often turn into breakfast the next morning. MMMmmmm!

  2. Oh that doesn't make me squeamish at all. That sounds amazing. I was about to make up a big batch of chili to freeze and have on hand today anyway, so this may have to be my breakfast or lunch tomorrow. Though I'm going to just do a simple, traditional chili for now.
