Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Carrot/beet/veggie fritters

I discovered this recipe the first time I had about 15 pounds of carrots sitting in my fridge.  It fits Kate's requirements for being a full meal in one dish (protein, veggies, and a bit of carb), simple, quick, and  tasty to the point that the kids will eat them.  I've made them several times for dinner, lunch, or as a side dish.  Each time I've varied the veggies a bit.  The link to the original recipe is below.
It calls for cilantro, which for some reasons I've never had on hand (mainly because I've been skipping the veggie section of the store for the past couple months!).  It also calls for whole wheat flour, but I found the patties to be a bit heavy when I used only whole wheat, so now I do half white, half whole wheat.  Also, I was not a fan of the yogurt sauce, so I don't make that.

For the fritters
  • 1 1/2 cups grated carrots or other veggies 
    • My favorite combination so far was 4 small beets with the remaining volume made up by carrots, it was probably about 1/2 and 1/2 each.  
    • I use the grating disc of my food processor to make short work of the carrots.  That disc has gotten more use this summer than all the years I've used a food processor combined.
  • 1/2 c finely chopped raw kale (optional, but oh so good!)
  • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 c white flour
  • ¼ cup diced onion (I just throw this through the food processor grater as well)
  • ½ teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 t ground coriander
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Pinch cayenne (or black) pepper (optional)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons water
Combine all the ingredients.  I like to mix the veggies together first, then toss with the dries, then stir the egg in at the end, but it's completely possible to just throw it all in to one bowl and mix once.  Cook in a little bit of oil on whatever you use to cook patties (I used our non-stick grill pan), using ~1/2 c per patty.  I find that they cook through a bit better if you press them to about 3/8 - 1/2" thick.  After the first side is browned a bit, flip over to cook the other side.  
We like to eat these plain, or with a bit of cream cheese and pickled jalepenos on top.  Will will put apple butter on them, but I think I would have to leave out the cumin and coriander to enjoy that.

I usually make a double recipe to feed all of us.  It fills us up, but we don't usually have much left over (though partly that's because I like them enough and they're healthy enough that I always eat too many of them).

I like the versatility of this recipe.  I've made it with all carrots; carrots, beets, and kale; and tonight I made it with zucchini and carrots.  I salted the zucchini, let it drain, and then squeezed it to get out a bunch of water first, then I omitted the addition of the water in the mixture.  They still turned out great.  I've never once had one of these fall apart on my griddle.  


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