Monday, May 16, 2016

Pretty Good Zucchini Fritters

Did I sell it to you?  Pretty good.

If I'm being honest, I don't use a lot of fancy ingredients anymore, mostly because it's too expensive.  And since the exhaustion of pregnancy and having a newborn hit, I tend to cook pretty darned simply.  It was a miracle that I tried a new recipe last night at all.

That said, these fritters were good and healthy, though nothing fancy.  I made a half recipe and we ate them up.  I recommend the accompanying yogurt sauce.  I made it as written, except I left out the mint because I didn't have any.  Also I wouldn't say that I necessarily measured as much as estimated.

Instead of posting the recipe, I'll just post a link to the blog where I found it.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Fish Quesadilla

I don't think we've had a discussion of quesadillas on the blog yet.  We've taken to making these as a great way to use up small bits of leftovers, especially things like spicy beans.  Or sometimes we will start from scratch with chicken strips and mixed vegetables or some such. 

The other night we got a reasonably good piece of cod fish from the store and ate it broiled with salt, pepper, and lemon juice with baked potato slices and steamed broccoli - very good in a straight up, traditional way.  Last night I sauteed up the left over fish, some left over rice, and fresh asparagus from the  garden with salt, pepper, a little horseradish, and some fresh lemon zest and used it for quesadilla filling.  We use shredded orange cheddar for the cheese cause that's what we tend to have, not too much, don't what to overpower the flavor of the fish.  Served it up with just a little bit of salsa (again, don't overpower) along with a big plate of lightly steamed fresh asparagus (you know what season we're in).  This was a winner.  The lemon zest provided a brilliant  high, light overtone.