Saturday, September 29, 2012

OK, kale...Now what??

We've got a really pretty stand of kale coming along in the garden, first time raising it.  So now what?  Anybody have a good method for cooking kale or any good recipes?


  1. Do you remember the kale salad Coley made for Thanksgiving last year? Here is the recipe (enough for a ton. Probably make 1/4-1/2 for just you guys). You can substitute maple syrup or honey for the agave syrup, but I think honey would be thicker and sweeter, so use it sparingly. Maple syrup would add a different flavor.

    3 bunches green kale
    1 2/3 cups shredded carrot
    1 2/3 cups dried unsweetened cranberries
    1 cup sesame seeds
    1 cup sunflower seeds
    1 cup sliced almonds
    2 tablespoons grated ginger
    1/3 cup agave syrup
    1/3 lime juice
    pinch cinnamon
    pinch sea salt
    pinch cayenne

    1. Trim the ends off the kale. Chop the kale in a food processor.
    2. Add the shredded carrot and cranberries
    3. Bake the sunflower seeds and sesame seeds on a sheet at 300 until slightly browned and aromatic. About 15 mins.
    4. Mix together the ginger, agave syrup, lime juice, lemon juice, cinnamon, sea salt and cayenne.
    5. Pour over the kale mixture. Mix in almonds.
    6. Serve cold or at room temp.

    I've also made a salad with shredded/finely chopped raw kale, craisans, and feta, which was yummy.

    We get a lot of really good kale in the winter, and often just cook it in milk, then add a bunch of sauteed garlic and maybe some lemon juice. You don't want tough or bitter kale if you're just going to eat it somewhat plain like this.

    Finally, we make a lentil and sausage soup with kale in it (subbing in for the escarole), that is delish! Here's the recipe:

  2. Cook it in a mix of half milk/half water. Throw it in the chicken/veggie soup after everything else is soft. Chop into sauteed veggies of any sort. Chop into scrambled eggs.

  3. Just saw a recipe for sauteed kale with grape tomatoes, garlic, and parm. Looked pretty self-explanatory and delicious. I'll have to give it a try.
