Saturday, November 2, 2013

Savory french toast plus

In the middle of making french toast for breakfast the other day, I decided I didn't want anything sweet to start my day.  So, I decided to try to make a savory version of french toast.  My idea was inspired in part by a favorite recipe of ours for a savory bread pudding, since bread pudding and french toast are basically the same thing.  I ended up making the french toast into an open-faced sandwich, and it was a real winner.

Mix together eggs and milk just like you would for regular french toast.  Then, instead of adding cinnamon, vanilla, and maple syrup (which, by the way, makes a bangin' regular french toast), add some dried tarragon, salt, and pepper.  Soak your bread in the mix and cook on your griddle as for regular french toast.  In the mean time, caramelize some onions or cook them up a bit on one side of your griddle.  Wilt some arugula, if that's your thing (it's mine).  When the french toast is done, put some arugula on top, top with sliced swiss or cheddar cheese and place under the broiler briefly to melt the cheese.  Top with a heap of onions and enjoy!
Here's a picture of mine from this morning and one of Aleks enjoying his.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. Top with poached egg?? I'm trying it. Sounds awesome.
