Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pickles again!

Hey all,

While it's basically always summer here, it is heating up and starting to feel even more like "summer."  It got me thinking about homemade pickles.

Now I somehow went and married someone who doesn't like pickles.  Fine by I don't have to share :-).

But that means I don't want to make up a big old crock of pickles.  So I just went back and read the pickle entries we already have on this blog.  Am I correct to assume I can make pickles right in a mason jar?  Do I just have to make sure it's full to the brim?

Not sure if I'll be able to find grape leaves here, but I'll do some looking.  I know I can find banana my backyard.  We always wrap pigs in banana leaves when we cook em in the ground.  I wonder if those would work?  Might be worth an experiment?

Anyway, any tips on making pickles in a mason jar?  Is it easy enough?



  1. All you have to do is put the cukes in brine (with whatever else you like - think garlic and dill) and exclude air so a mason jar should work just fine.

    The purpose of the grape leaves is to add alum to keep the pickles crisp. You should be able to just buy some alum at the drug store - might have to ask for it. Just sprinkle a little bit in. How much? I dun know. About as much as leaches out of few grape leaves, I guess.

  2. Sounds easy enough! I'll get some cukes at the market this weekend and do some experimenting.

  3. Wait... You can buy cukes to make pickles????
