Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chicken Mulligatawny Soup

I ran across THIS recipe the other day and was immediately intrigued.  Chicken, apples, curry powder?  Hmm..sounded interesting.

Tom and I cooked up a full recipe of this on Sunday evening exactly as written.  It was really good!  Tom really describes it the best...

"It's as if a bunch of cooks were sitting around making chicken pot pie and they let the Indian guy spice it.  Then they all tried it and decided it'd be best to use apples instead of potatoes to off set the curry powder."

It really is this weird chicken pot pie/comfort food type dish.  I thought the addition of plain yogurt when serving was key.  Next time we'd add more rice.  There was barely enough rice to notice it in the dish.

Anyhow, check it out if you want something different on a fall evening.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jo's First Law

This morning I was testing the limits of Jo's First Law:  Everything tastes better with a poached egg on it.  Today's substrate:  left over mac and cheese.  Mom opted for oatmeal after disparaging my breakfast choice but that's OK; there was only enough left over mac for one so I wasn't planning to share anyway.  To further test the bounds of the Laws of Good Eating, I also opted to test the Second Law:  Everything tastes better with pickled hot peppers on it.  To be thorough I should mention that the mac and cheese was a six-cheese version with diced tomatoes and basil.

So, breakfast this morning was a small portion of warmed up, left over, six cheese gourmet mac and cheese topped with a near perfect poached egg complimented with multicolored pickled Hungarian Wax hot pepper rings.  And. It. Was. GREAT!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Miss Small's Eggplant Casserole
1 large purple eggplant (cubed)
1 cup diced onion
1 clove of garlic (chrushed)
1 cup sliced mushrooms            
1 cup small white bread cubes
1/2 pound small lamb cubes (optional)
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary
Saute eggplant adding garlic and onion to the skillet...add the mushrooms and lamb...add salt and rosemary.  Place in to a greased casserole...mix in the bread cubes and one well beaten egg.  Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Coconut Slap Jacks
4 cups of flour
1 pound light brown sugar
6 ounces butter
1 pint dark karo
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 coconut freshly grated
Mix all ingredients together, spoon and bake on cookie sheets at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes...WATCH CAREFULLY.

The cookies should be lacy and brittle in texture.
Crock Dills
Basic brine
   1 gallon of water
   1/2 cup salt
   1 cup cider vinegar
Wash cucumbers...sterilize the inside of the crock with boiling water.
Put a layer of grape leaves (or cherry) than a layer of cukes...than three stalks of dill (seeds and all).  Repeat with cukes and dill until you are near to the top of the crock.  Finish with dill and more grape leaves.  Pour the brine in to crock.  Weigh cukes down until submerged (a bag of the brine as a weight would be good).
**Grape leaves supply alum to make the pickles crisp.