Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jo's First Law

This morning I was testing the limits of Jo's First Law:  Everything tastes better with a poached egg on it.  Today's substrate:  left over mac and cheese.  Mom opted for oatmeal after disparaging my breakfast choice but that's OK; there was only enough left over mac for one so I wasn't planning to share anyway.  To further test the bounds of the Laws of Good Eating, I also opted to test the Second Law:  Everything tastes better with pickled hot peppers on it.  To be thorough I should mention that the mac and cheese was a six-cheese version with diced tomatoes and basil.

So, breakfast this morning was a small portion of warmed up, left over, six cheese gourmet mac and cheese topped with a near perfect poached egg complimented with multicolored pickled Hungarian Wax hot pepper rings.  And. It. Was. GREAT!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man sounds good. Around here on Fridays at school we have fried rice with a runny fried egg on top. It's unbelievablely good!
