Thursday, August 30, 2012

Farmland Vegetable Pie

Molly asked me the other day for a recommendation for good vegetarian main dish other than my two go-to favorites of quinoa cakes with eggplant ragu (always excellent!) and roasted vegetable panzanella (also always excellent).  Of course in the moment my mind went blank, and I had no ideas.  Flipping through an old August Gourmet this week, though, reminded me of another favorite - Farmland Vegetable Pie.  Despite the somewhat awkward name, this is a great dish.  The recipe as written is a mix of summer vegetables (zucchini, okra, corn, and tomatoes) with a lot (1 c chopped) basil, and a mild melting cheese (it calls for Havarti or Muenster, and I've always used Muenster) all cooked in a cornmeal biscuit crust.  I modify it a bit, of course.  I leave out the hard boiled eggs, since I don't like them.  And rather than roll out two crusts just to have the bottom one get soggy, I just make this as a cobbler by putting big of globs of biscuit dough on the top.  Another benefit of this approach is that you can then cut the oven time about 10-15 minutes.  You could also cut the fat/non-nutritive part of the dish by making only a half recipe of the biscuit dough, and it would still be plenty.  I often find it useful to read the reviews of the recipes at  The reviews for this recipe suggest applying the basic concept to all different kinds of veggies, including winter squash, fennel, etc.  I think that would also be a fun thing to try.

Nothing like a tasty, healthy, filling dish that clears a bunch of CSA veggies out of the fridge!

Hope you try it and enjoy it.

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