Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Keep this alive!

Keep the blog alive!!  We can do it!

In other news, I didn't cook anything last night, but I did do something I've never done before...

I went running at Reid Park after work (I've done this many times).  It's a 3 mile loop.  Recently I've been doing the 3 mile loop and then going about another quarter mile and turning around, thus putting me at 3.5 miles.  The most I've ever run in my life is 4 miles, but I'm trying to convince myself to do a 10K in the fall, so I thought I'd push it past 3.5 miles last night.

It had just monsooned, so it was gray, cool (85), and humid!  I ran around the park once and was super sweaty, but not very hot.  I decided to see how much farther I could run...and I went around twice!  6 miles baby!  I didn't stop for water, walking, or anything.  I ran a full 6 miles.  I couldn't believe it!

I'm paying for that this morning in that I can hardly stand, but it felt pretty powerful last night!  Anyway, just wanted to brag a bit cause I'm pretty proud of myself.

Have a lovely Wednesday!  It's back to school night at Palo Verde and my choir is performing...


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