Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Breakfast

December 24, 2012

Sunflower Sprouts
I know we're a day early but we're planning to be on the road tomorrow morning and breakfast this morning just kind of morphed into a pretty fancy meal.  I was picking our first batch of (sort of) successful sunflower sprouts and Jo decided to make sweet potato fries.  We were thinking of poached eggs and at the same time were trying to empty perishables out of the 'fridge.  A recent convert to poached eggs, Jo has been experimenting with poached eggs on X, also usually termed "X eggs Benedict" (tho' we generally don't use Hollandaise sauce).  She decided to try poached egg on spinach and feta, which Mom chose also.  She also offered another recent invention, "College Student Eggs Bene", essentially an inverted tuna melt (cheese on the bottom) covered in Sriracha hot sauce and topped with a poached egg, which I went for.

Radish Sprouts Coming Along
Meanwhile, the morning was cold , 24 degrees, with a hard frost.  I went out to the garden and picked a double handful of frost covered baby beet greens then assembled a salad of a little bit of left over leaf lettuce, the remainder of the spinach, baby beet greens, sunflower sprouts, sliced white mushrooms, and half a can of black olives left in the 'fridge, topped with some new radish sprouts which are just coming along.  Served it with the new fave, tarragon vinaigrette.   So, Christmas Eve Day with a breakfast salad including three fresh picked home grown ingredients.

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