Friday, December 21, 2012

Slava dinner

Happy Winter Solstice!  Our Slava (Serbian patron saint day.) was officially Wednesday (the Stanics lucked out and got St. Nicolas, Dec 19th on the Serbian calendar), but we're not having our party until tomorrow (Sat).  We go a bit all-out for Slava, aka, Aleks refuses to say "no" to anything, in the Serbian spirit of overfeeding anyone who comes to the house all day long.  It's really the one party that we actually host, instead of having as a potluck, each year.

The current menu includes:

Beef round tip roast - approximately 1 lb/person - and there will be 20 people here, 6 of them children
Caramelized onion, butternut squash, and goat cheese tarts
Three cheese scalloped potatoes
Bulgur with apricots and other dried fruit, and probably nuts
Cranberry apple sauce
Coley Ward's kale salad - the one with all the ginger that he brought to Thanksgiving last year
Pecan pies

Mmm, mmm.  Wish us luck getting it all cooked tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. We are going to take Christmas Eve dinner over to Kanga and Grandpa on Monday. We bought a small rump roast (<0.5 lb per person) and are planning to make it with Yorkshire pudding, steamed broccoli, cooked baby carrots, dried corn, and butterscotch pie.
