Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kale-quinoa salad (the goods)

Came across this one through a silly yuppie food service thing that we subscribed to for a few weeks until it lost it's appeal.  It is an absolute gem.  Vegetarian and gluten free for those who care, or like to provide another option for the hippies and fad-dieters at the sunday get together.  Give it a shot sometime. 

Too start
1 bunch of kale, cut into 1 inch pieces
2 cups cooked quinoa
juice of one lemon (reserve for zesting if you actually use a lemon, and not just concentrate)
Some nuts or something for crunch (totally optional)
1or 2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp salt
1 tsp agave nectar or honey
2 tbsp olive oil
Some form of broth of bullion to cook quinoa in

Get some quinoa going.  I like to use vegetable stock if I have it, or better-than-bullion for cooking the grain.

It is cricial to de-bone the kale as it were, once done, chop the leaves up into littler (1 inch or so) chunks.   Go ahead and massage the kale with some coarse salt to help soften it.
Mix the dressing anytime by mixing the lemon juice, salt, raw garlic, sweetener, and olive oil. 
    When the quinoa is done, serve it over the kale with the dressing.  Top with nuts, lemon zest, and a dash of coarse salt.  Done. 

My non-nutritionalist background tells me that the veggies are raw and quinoa is a complete protein, so this one is pretty healthy and relativly well rounded. 
Now the fun with any salad recipe, there is room for interpretation.  I personally like to throw some tofu.  I've been expermenting with different ways to cook it.  So far the best one is to pull the tofu out of the package and press it, by making a concoction of plates, cast iron pans, and cups filled with water.  Be mindful that this will fall over and either spill that water everywhere, or drop a cast iron skillet onto your toe, so be careful.  The idea here is to press the moisture out of the tofu, so as it will then suck up any marinade into which it might get thrown.  I use a standard oil, tamari, worchestersire, black pepper, vinager, whatever else it close by, marinade.  Let the tofu soak until it is time to cook it.  Heat up a skillet, and fry away (there goes the healthy factor, but not too much)  I would imagine baking would be an option here.  I'm also looking into the idea of grilling.  I think either would work as an alternative to frying. 
Also don't forget your beets.  I find beets make a great addition to anything, including salads.  I cut the tops off (can be used as a green in salad or sauted and used for an additional side to your meal), boil the beets, peel them in a cold water bath, and then throw them in the salad. 
Hope you all enjoy this one


  1. We have beets coming in the garden along with spinach and leaf lettuce so we have been having fresh spring garden salad including beet greens several nights a week. I can't wait for fresh baby beets, coming soon.

  2. This looks great Andy! Thanks for posting. I don't eat much kale and I've been wanting to start adding it to my diet.
