Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lunch ideas?

I only have 8 days left of school, two of which are half days, but I'm still looking for good packed lunch ideas.  I don't really like to wake up early enough to pack myself an actual lunch in the morning, though I could just set my alarm 5 minutes earlier and be fine.

What I usually do is just take leftovers from dinner the night before.  However, when you have weeks like this past week, that isn't possible.  Monday rehearsal 5-8, Tuesday rehearsal 3-6 followed by social engagement, Wednesday - Friday concerts until 9/9:30.  Needless to say, I didn't make dinner this week and thus had no leftovers for lunch.

So my question to you is, what are your quick, healthy, easy, packed lunch ideas?  I do have access to a fridge/microwave.



  1. Pack of tortillas, can of black beans, chunk of orange cheddar cheese, tub of sour cream, and a little can of chipotle peppers. Your choice of 'hand fruit'--apple, orange, pear, etc. Leftovers can stay in the office 'fridge for the next day, or can easily make both lunch and dinner on the same day.

  2. Block of cheese, pack of lightly salted saltines, log of dry salame (we get ours from Trader Joes), your choice of hand fruit or handful of dried fruit. We keep prunes, craisins, and regular raisins on hand. No fuss, no muss, no cooking, leftovers keep.

  3. Can of tuna, pack of crackers, hand fruit. Steal 'staff' mustard and pickles from fridge to dress tuna. Extra protein from tuna helps it last most of the day, will not stretch to a late dinner. Tuna may be inappropriately stinky, depending on social context of your lunches. At our office about half the people travel back and forth to Indonesia a lot and a handful are Korean, so tuna is tame compared to the microwaved tinned fish we have endured at other times. Patrick will do a packet of kippered fish with mustard on crackers, but I always get nervous about the oil staining my shirt.
