Sunday, May 13, 2012

On canned fish, and lunch, and dinner, and camping

I like the discussion about the health benefits and cost-effectivness of canned fish, however, has anyone looked into the moral complications?  Is it farmed? Fed a diet of corn and antibiotics?  Fresh caught?  Responsibly fished?  How can food be that cheap really? 
      That being said, I work part-time for minimum wage (plus free coffee) so I am always looking into cheap protein, preferable in a non-refrigerated form, and canned fish fits that bill.  I eat a lot of tuna melts/tuna salad sandwiches while camping.  It is quick, cheap, and creates virtually no mess. 
      I am not against mayo, however, I have found that good brown mustard makes a much better alternative.  Also I would recommend adding some jalapeno for a nice kick.  Lastly, top it with extra sharp white cheddar.  Go ahead and get creative for the toasting and melting processes.  It can be a challenge sometimes, but I've found that covering a saute pan will create enough heat to melt the cheese if you aren't too picky with your definition of melted.  One can of tuna per person (unless that person is Ben of course) should do you fine depending on strenuousness of the climbing/biking that day.  Half a jalapeno will give you plenty of zing depending on the season. 

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