Friday, June 8, 2012


In the spirit of sharing pictures of gardens and beautiful breakfasts:

This is Will's "garden" that he designed and planted in his room over the course of several days.  Each ball, frisbee, racket, and helmet is a different plant.  He grew everything from bananas to broccoli to quesadillas.  How I grew a boy with such an imagination is beyond me.  I'm a bit worried that someday when we have a real garden he'll be a bit disappointed.

And here is (a not great, but the best I could do, picture of) the beautiful breakfast Aleks made us one weekend morning.  Roasted almond-crusted french toast with fresh strawberries and maple syrup.  I don't think the strawberries came from Will's garden, but the french toast may have!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, like next time he goes to an MLB game and finds out he doesn't get to take the lineup to the umpire...

    Greg Brown has a great song, "If I Had Known", about "...When things will never be that good again.."
