Friday, June 8, 2012


One of my new goals is to incorporate more greens into our meals.  During the school year I was pathetic...

It turns out that pretty much no matter what you are making, you can throw some greens into/onto it.  I figure that's a good start.  However, I did find this blog with a HUGE list of recipes with greens.  I thought I'd share for your general perusal.

I haven't tried any of these yet, but it seems to be a good resource and a great place to start!


1 comment:

  1. Greens are great! We had excellent spinach this year. The cabbage lupers got the lettuce early. We have been eating endive, but also really enjoying beet greens as a salad starter. We also planted a new green, spinach mustard, a hot weather green which seems to be pretty good..need to plant more of it tomorrow...
